Monday, December 29, 2008

Evolution Vs. Intelligent Design - Part 2

These posts are based off of a project I presented for my History and Logic of Science class. I decided to put them up here as a possible resource for Christians. Too many Christians have given up the intellectual battle against atheism and evolution and all they stand for. We have been bullied into thinking that we don't even get a seat at the table to discuss such things. Christians need to know that faith and reason are not mutually exclusive, in fact they go hand in hand. Christians need to know that believing in the Bible and in a God who created the universe and everything in it is intellectually defensible.

Did Life Begin Spontaneously?

In 1924 biochemist A.I. Oparin published a theory suggesting that the first cell or cells formed very gradually over time. This theory was furthered by biochemist J.B.S. Haldane, who thought that ultraviolet light from the sun simple gases found in the early earth atmosphere into organic compounds through which cells could gradually develop. This came to be known as the Oparin Hypothesis (Davis and Kenyon 43). There are several erroneous assumptions on which these men based their theory.

Assumption No. 1- Reducing Atmosphere: The earth’s early atmosphere contained little or no oxygen. This assumption is necessary in order for Oparin’s theory to work. If the earth’s early atmosphere had a significant amount of oxygen it would react with the organic compounds in a destructive process called oxidation.

Assumption No. 2- Preservation: The simple organic compounds formed in the soup were somehow preserved, so that the energy that caused them to form did not also destroy them. It would have taken a lot of energy to form these complex compounds which could have been provided through ultraviolet light from the sun, cosmic rays, electrical energy from a lightening bolt, heat, or radioactivity. The organic compounds would have had to be formed and then some how protected from being destroyed by the same force that created them.

Assumption No. 3- Reservation: Enough biological compounds were reserved for combination with the “right” molecules (rather than being tied up by reacting with useless molecules) to form the large molecules useful to life. These compounds not only had to develop but had to react with the right kind of other compounds.

Assumption No. 4- Uniform Orientation: Only L-amino acids combined to produce the proteins of life, and only the D-sugars reacted to produce polysaccharides, or nucleotides. This says that the amino acids making up living things had to also be shaped in a particular way even though other formations occurred as well.

Assumption No. 5- Simultaneous Origins: The genetic machinery that tells the cell how to produce protein and the protein required to build that genetic machinery both originated gradually and were present and functioning in the first reproducing protocells.

Assumption No. 6- Specified Complexity: The highly organized arrangement of thousands of parts in the chemical machinery needed to accomplish specialized functions originated gradually in coacervates or other protocells. Oparin thought that these primitive forerunners to living cells would have competed for “food” sources and natural selection would have taken place.

Assumption No. 7- Photosynthesis: A chemical system called photosynthesis, the process of capturing, storing, and using energy of sunlight to make food, gradually developed within coacervates. Somehow a decline in the food source for these protocells declined and they were able to develop a way of using sunlight for a food source.

This theory was put to the test by Stanley Miller (pictured above) and Harold Urey. They attempted to use these assumptions that Oparin has set up and see if they could simulate the conditions and get the same result. Using a complex apparatus they were able to simulate the conditions and the result was the collecting of some organic acids. This was a success in their eyes and to the scientific community as a whole. It has now been found that the assumptions that Oparin’s theory suggested are false. The earth’s atmosphere did most likely contain some oxygen, and only 1% would be needed to destroy any organic compounds. Also the Miller-Urey experiment did not properly simulate early earth in the sense that once the amino acids were collected they were no longer exposed to the electric current used to form them, unlike their early earth counterparts. The Miller-Urey experiment also did not form any organic compounds that would have been useful to life. Regardless of the numerous problems with the Miller-Urey experiments, many scientists agree that the appearance of amino acids in them gives experimental support to their belief that life began in some spontaneous way.

Behe, Michael J. Darwin’s Black Box. New York: Touchstone, 1996.

Behe, Michael J. “Evidence for Intelligent Design from Biochemistry”

Chambers, Roger. “Darwin in Fantasyland” Christian Standard. Oct. 17th, 1982.

Davis, Percival and Dean H. Kenyon. Of Pandas and People. Dallas: Haughton
Publishing Company, 2004.

Denton, Michael. Evolution: A Theory in Crisis. Bethesda: Adler & Adler, 1986.

Ham, Kent. “Creation, Where’s the Proof?” Answers In Genesis.

Johnson, Phillip E. Darwin on Trial. Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 1993.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Evolution Vs. Intelligent Design - Part 1

These posts are based off of a project I presented for my History and Logic of Science class. I decided to put them up here as a possible resource for Christians. Too many Christians have given up the intellectual battle against atheism and evolution and all they stand for. We have been bullied into thinking that we don't even get a seat at the table to discuss such things. Christians need to know that faith and reason are not mutually exclusive, in fact they go hand in hand. Christians need to know that believing in the Bible and in a God who created the universe and everything in it is intellectually defensible.

Evolution is taught in public schools today as an undeniable scientific fact. Children are told that virtually all scientists agree that Evolution is scientifically sound. We are being misled by those representing Evolutionary theory.

On November 5th, 1981 Dr. Colin Patterson, senior paleontologist at the British Museum of Natural History in London and editor of its journal, delivered a speech to the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. He revealed what many evolutionists don’t want us to know; the truth behind Evolutionary theory!

Last year I had a sudden realization for over twenty years I had thought I was working on evolution in some way. One morning I woke up and something had happened in the night and it struck me that I had been working on this stuff for twenty years and there was not one thing I knew about it. That’s quite a shock to learn that one can be so misled so long. Either there was something wrong with me or there was something wrong with evolutionary theory. Naturally, I know there is nothing wrong with me, so for the last few weeks I’ve tried putting a simple question to various people and groups of people. Question is: Can you tell me anything you know about evolution, any one thing, any one thing that is true? I tried that question on the geology staff at the Field Museum of Natural History and the only answer I got was silence. I tried it on the members of the Evolutionary Morphology Seminar in the University of Chicago, a very prestigious body of evolutionists, and all I got there was silence for a long time and eventually one person said, “I do know one thing – it ought not to be taught in high school."

Problems with Evolution

Neo-Darwinism, a current form of evolution, states that the evidence for evolution is seen in small changes which will gradually accumulate into the forming of a new species. Roger Chambers in his article Darwin in Fantasyland evaluates this, “Neo-Darwinism promised that tiny changes (microevolution) will gradually accumulate into the new kinds (macroevolution). Evolutionists happily filled the textbooks with examples of microevolution (black moths, blind fruit flies, et al.) and assured one and all that evolution was now proved. Creationist scientists have been pointing out that (1) there are no undisputed transitional forms in the fossil record, (2) the overwhelming tendency in genetics is against change, (3) gradualism is a totally inadequate explanation for the complexity evident in the biological order, (4) the mathematics don’t work – the theory is magnificently improbable, and (5) all the “evidence” for macroevolution consists of complicated descriptions of what might have happened – extrapolations from microevolution. The standard response of the evolutionist establishment has been to declare that all non-evolutionists are, thereby, nonscientists. School children are told to believe that the evidence is there because “all scientists” say it’s there, like the emperor’s new clothes. But that’s not what they’ve been saying to one another (Chambers).”

Douglas Futuyma points out six major examples that are used as evidence for evolution (Johnson 25-26).

1. Bacteria naturally develop resistance to antibiotics, and insect pests become resistant to insecticides, because of the differential survival of mutant forms possessing the advantage of resistance.
2. After a severe storm in 1898 hundreds of birds were left dead or dying in Massachusetts. A Scientist named Bumpus found that among the male sparrows, the larger birds had survived more frequently than the smaller ones, though the size differential was slight.
3. The finches that live in the Galapagos Islands have a variation of beak sizes that fluctuate due to the environment. When there is a draught then the finches with the thicker beaks are able to crack the hardened berries to get to the food inside.
4. Sickle-cell anemia in African populations is associated with a trait that confers resistance to malaria. Those who inherit sickle-cell from one parent but not the other benefit the most, thus never breeding out the sickle-cell.
5. Mice populations have been observed to cease reproducing and become extinct when they are temporarily “flooded” by the spread of a gene which causes sterility in the males.
6. Due to industrialization many trees that the Peppered Moths supposedly live on were covered with soot. Therefore the moths that previously had an advantage because they were light colored and matched the tree now stood out thus providing a survival advantage.

All of these examples that Futuyma provides are only showing adaptation. Adaptation is micro-evolution, though most evolutionist refuse to acknowledge that there is a distinction between micro and macro evolution. Johnson states, “If we take these six examples as the best available observational evidence of natural selection, we can draw two conclusions:”

1. We can observe that circumstances can in fact favor species with a particular trait over others with a different trait. The trait that is not favored will then become reduced for a period of time as long as the circumstances prevail.

2. None of these “proofs” provides reasonable evidence to show natural selection can produce new species, new organs, other major changes, or even minor changes that are permanent. The sickle-cell anemia case only shows that in special circumstances an apparently disadvantageous trait may not be eliminated from the population. The larger birds may have an advantage in high winds or a drought but the smaller birds have the advantage in other circumstances; this is why birds have not continuously become larger.

The fact of the matter is that there has never been found an undisputed transitional species. Evolutionists can only point to examples of a particular species adapting in a particular way to the circumstances that it is in. There is also no new genetic information being introduced. In all six of the previous examples, circumstances are favoring a particular group of species that carry a certain trait; this can not ever create a new trait that was not originally part of that species.

Behe, Michael J. Darwin’s Black Box. New York: Touchstone, 1996.

Behe, Michael J. “Evidence for Intelligent Design from Biochemistry”

Chambers, Roger. “Darwin in Fantasyland” Christian Standard. Oct. 17th, 1982.

Davis, Percival and Dean H. Kenyon. Of Pandas and People. Dallas: Haughton
Publishing Company, 2004.

Denton, Michael. Evolution: A Theory in Crisis. Bethesda: Adler & Adler, 1986.

Ham, Kent. “Creation, Where’s the Proof?” Answers In Genesis.

Johnson, Phillip E. Darwin on Trial. Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 1993.

Monday, December 15, 2008


I have, for a while now, wanted to start my own blog. It would be a place where I could write about things that interest me, that challenge me, and that irritate me. I chose to title my blog “Stologic.” My wife is the one who created this term to describe any time I get too analytical. So here is a place where I can be as analytical as I want. I will try to post as often as I can or as much as time will permit. My primary interest is Christian theology and so most of my posts will most likely have to do with this subject. As a disclaimer I belong to a brotherhood started in the 1800’s called the Restoration Movement. The direction of this movement is to restore the Church and Christian life to the pattern and precepts found in the New Testament. There are a set of links on the bottom right side of my page that can give you more information about the Restoration Movement if you are interested. Along with having a place to write out my thoughts, it is my humble hope that this blog in some way will be edifying to the Body of Christ and glorify our Heavenly Father.